Landlords Insurance
Property Insurance just for landlords
Rent Guarantee Insurance - Maintenance cover
As a landlord you aim to generate an income and obtain capital appreciation through your property investments. It is lender requirement to protect the asset. It therefore makes sense in the world that you should try and protect your investments against unexpected incidents and events.
What would happen if one of your properties suffer flooding damage and become uninhabitable for 2 months whilst builders carried out repair works? How would you fund repair works and cover loss of income? Furthermore, if a tenant fails to pay you rent on time how will your borrowings or a mortgage be settled? Worst still, what if a resident suffers serious bodily injury due to an unsafe staircase? As a landlord you have a legal responsibility to provide a safe living environment. Failure to do so could leave you facing a financially crippling public liability claim.
Buying landlords insurance is the best way to protect your property portfolio and provide you with peace of mind. By having a policy in place you know that if things go wrong, you will be protected against the financial consequences.
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